CHOPPY SKIES by Cory Harden

Noise and vibration from tour helicopters have bedeviled Hawai’i residents for decades. But repeatedand widespread concerns voiced by beleaguered communities have largely been ignored. The noiseterrifies children and animals, sets off PTSD in war veterans, intrudes on sleep, interrupts conversations,and causes inescapable stress. On Hawai’i Island, during the eruption, tour helicopters never letup—they kept flying, … Read more CHOPPY SKIES by Cory Harden

Mauna Kea Update for September 2021

As astronomers wait with bated breath for the outcome of the decadal survey called Astro2020, the roleof TMT in the future of world astronomy hangs in the balance. The survey is a year overdue, and itprovides an analysis of the needs of the next decade in the fields of astronomy and astrophysics,projecting priorities for the … Read more Mauna Kea Update for September 2021

2019 Moku Loa Group Awards Hawaii District Science & Engineering Fair

All Sierra Club Moku Loa Group award recipients were presented with a certificate, a congratulations letter and fifty dollar check. They will also be given a one-year membership in Sierra Club, in recognition of their achievement. Mahalo to all of the student participants and science fair judges for their assistance. Members who would like to … Read more 2019 Moku Loa Group Awards Hawaii District Science & Engineering Fair