2024 Executive Committee

Our Executive Committee consists of seven members elected by the Group membership. Each elected member serves for 2-year terms.  As needed, there may be up to two appointed volunteers to serve as secretary and treasurer.

Chair: Chuck Flaherty (2024-26)
Vice Chair:  Cindi Punihaole (2024-26) 
Secretary: vacant; Asst Secretary: Debbie Ward; Asst Secretary: Hannah Hartmann
Treasurer: Malie Larish; Asst Treasurer: Debbie Ward
At Large: Hannah Hartmann (2022-25)

At Large: J.Kara Dumaguin (2024-26) 

At Large: Steve Holmes (2022-25)
At Large: Jon Olson (2022-25)
At Large: Kencho Gurung (2024-26)
At Large: Cindi Punihaole (2024-26)                                                                                                                                              

Conservation Committee Chair:  Kara Dumaguin; Co-Chair: Hannah Hartman
Political Committee, Chair:  Kencho Gurung
Website Editor: Jim Beets
Newsletter Editors: Cory Harden
Outings Committee Chair: Diane Ware; Co-Chair: Keith Neal
Membership Committee Chair: Kencho Gurung                                                                                                                        Program Committee Chair: 

Community Organizer: Sharde Freitas
Chapter PhD student intern: Rosalie Lou

Regularly scheduled meetings for 3rd MONDAYS each month on Zoom until further notice.

(Meetings subject to change. All changes will be posted and notifications sent via email alert)

Upcoming meetings:
ExCom at 5pm and Conservation Committee at 6pm.

For more info or to confirm a date, please contact: hawaiiislandsierraclub@gmail.com